2025 starts off with a New Moon in Capricorn. This is the perfect time for goal setting. It's rare that we get a New Moon on New Year's Day, so most years we are making resolutions at the wrong time. Any wishes made this New Year have a better chance of manifesting as we have additional help from the cosmos - as long as you do the work to see things through.
However, things are a little more complicated due to Mars being retrograde. Mars is the planet of energy and action and it turned retrograde at the end of 2024. The Mars energy is turned inward now until February 24th. It's likely that you may feel you're getting nowhere with manifesting your dreams for the first couple of months. Don't give up too soon. Just go with the flow and things will start to move forward once Mars turns direct.
Below is an overview of the major astrological events for 2025. (All dates used are AEDT or AEST, depending on the time of year).
Jupiter into Cancer
Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer on June 10th. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, which makes it strong. It's highly likely that the economy will now start to improve during this time. Those with the Sun in Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces will find this a particularly fortunate time.
Jupiter in Cancer brings financial improvements, so it's likely that the economy will now start to improve during this time. Anything that we nurture during this period will prosper, so make the most of this cosmic gift.
Saturn into Aries
Saturn moves into the sign of Aries on May 25th. It will move back into Pisces on September 1st for the remainder of the year. 2026 will see Saturn move back into Aries to stay for a couple of years. Saturn is in the sign of its fall, in Aries. It's not comfortable in this sign as Aries is a sign that likes to move fast and Saturn likes to do things carefully. When Saturn transits through Aries we may find that we need to be more self-reliant. Authority figures may become more headstrong during this time.
Uranus into Gemini
Uranus moves into Gemini on November 8th. Uranus is the planet of sudden change. Uranus in Gemini brings us a time of originality. The last time that Uranus was in this sign was 1942 - 1949. These years saw big developments in the areas of science, technology and education. It's likely that we will see big changes to the social media platforms during this time. A lot of creative thinkers may also emerge.
Neptune into Aries
Neptune moves into Aries on March 30th. It will move back into Pisces. On October 22nd and remain there until 2026. Neptune is a planet of illusion, dreams and spirituality. It has spent approximately the last fourteen years in its own sign. During this time we have seen an increase in the illusional world of social media. We have seen a strong uptake in more spiritual, rather than traditional religion. We have also seen many people choose to follow their dreams, rather than deal with the traditional nine-to-five work life.
Neptune in Aries will most likely see an upswing in those attempting to make their dreams a reality. Aries will bring energy to this dreamy planet, which may have a positive effect for many. Neptune is also dissolves things, so we may see traditional masculine concepts changed as we know them, as well as confusion between reality and fantasy. It is also likely that we will experience increased global warming patterns.
Mercury Retrogrades
Mercury retrograde brings us a time to go within and listen to our inner guidance.
In 2025, Mercury retrogrades in the fire signs, encouraging us to listen to our instincts. I always recommend journaling as a positive practice during this time, as it assists with releasing our thoughts in a clear manner. (I also like to pull an oracle card as part of my journaling practice). Below are the dates that Mercury will be retrograde in 2025.
15th March - 7th April (Aries)
18th July - 11th August (Leo)
10th November - 30th December (Sagittarius/Scorpio)
Venus Retrograde
Venus goes retrograde approximately every two years. In 2025, Venus will be retrograde from March 2nd and will remain in its retrograde phase until April 13th. Venus will turn retrograde in the sign of Aries and will move back into Pisces.
During Venus retrograde, it's a time when old friends may resurface in your life. Past loves may also show up during this time. This is also a time when we are asked by the cosmos to review our values and also our resources. This is a wonderful time for self-nurturing. It's also a great time to take control of your finances and explore your relationship with money.
Anything that you want to explore that is uncomfortable for you, is best done when Venus is in the sign of Aries, as this is the sign of her detriment. Self-improvements and self-nurturing is best done when Venus is in Pisces, sign of her exaltation.
We have two Solar Eclipses and two Lunar Eclipses in 2025. A Solar Eclipse occurs on a New Moon and a Lunar Eclipse occurs on a Full Moon. For a New or Full Moon to be an eclipse, the nodes need to be within 19 degrees of the Sun and Moon.
The first Lunar Eclipse occurs on March 14th @ 23 degrees 56 minutes of Virgo. We are asked during this time to take a step back and release any perfectionistic ways that are holding us back. Questions to ask ourselves under this Full Moon Eclipse - What feelings being eclipsed at this time? Where are you feeling emotionally blocked?
The first Solar Eclipse occurs on March 29th @ 09 degrees 00 minutes of Aries. Start a new adventure or something that takes courage under this New Moon eclipse. Take action to manifest your dreams. With this eclipse, it will be easy to be lead by our feelings, so be certain of what you want to achieve before taking action.
The second Lunar Eclipse for 2025 occurs on September 8th @ 15 degrees 22 minutes of Pisces. This Full Moon Eclipse is asking us to release old patterns and any destructive or addictive behaviour. Release the need to be all things to all people.
The final eclipse for 2025 is a Solar Eclipse and occurs on September 22nd @ 29 degrees 05 minutes of Virgo. This is also the second Virgo New Moon in 2025. Start a new health regime. Begin to use affirmations for a positive mind set.
To see how these eclipses may influence you in 2025, plot them on your own birth chart to see which areas of life may be affected. If an eclipse falls in the same sign and degree as one of your natal planets, it will have a very strong impact. Use the energy wisely.
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I wish you all a magical 2025!